1. Kodak collection

Kappa Nu

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3 reacties op Kappa Nu

  1. P.B. Schuringa schreef:


    Deze site verklaard de oorsprong van de Joodse Broederschap Kappa Nu , opgericht in 1911 door 6 volgelingen van het volk van Job.
    Groeten vanaf Ameland !

  2. Pete Grayson schreef:

    Hi Ruud,

    I’m wondering if you can please tell me what these 4 cameras are? I’ve been collecting the Steps, the Scouts, the Beaus etc, yet I have never seen these stunning face plates anywhere other than your website and I am very intrigued! Please let me know.

    All the best,

    • admin schreef:

      Dear Pete , I do not know when you put your question on my site. I hardly look at it but my answer may stil be valid . The Kapa Nu cameras are of a Jewish fraternaty group and were special issued for conventions in or around Rochester. Sorry for the late reply , Ruud

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